Experiments with AR - Part 2!

1-2 min read

June 18, 2019


This is second part of my experiments with AR. In them I explain how I got started with AR and what are the features provided by current technologies.

Face Augmentation

This feature of ARCore allows us to identify different regions of a detected face, and augment them with 2D textures and/or 3D models. To overlay textures and 3D models on a detected face, ARCore provides detected regions and an augmented face mesh. The mesh is a virtual representation of the face, and consists of hundreds of vertices that make up the face.

Face Mesh [Source: Google ARCore]

Using this feature of the SDK, I made something which I as a sports fan always wanted to do and I think a lot of other fans want to do as well. I wanted to paint my cheeks to the flags of my team.

Painted Cheeks

So, I quickly made a texture which mapped to FC Barcelona Flag to my one cheek and Catalan flag to my other cheek. Unfortunately, I didn’t the mapping orientation and the mapping got reflected.

Error: VideoService could not be found

Augmented Images

According to me this is the feature of ARCore which has most application to the real world. Although the basic technology is not very different from the previous ones discussed in this article but this can be leveraged much better and have far more usage in my opinion. This works in a similar way, it first detects an image and then you can do anything relative to the image. For a example, I placed a cube in the real world relative to the position of the image. Now, I can place that image anywhere in the world and when a user scans the image, cube will always appear relative to the image.

Error: VideoService could not be found

Real time processing on the images

Another cool thing which I tried was real time edge detection. This was scene which came with the package. It demonstrated how we use CPU to do real time processing. Although the CPU had a slightly poor FPS compared to the GPU one.

Error: VideoService could not be found

Next experimentations

  1. Recording videos and capturing images without performance hit. Will probably use Multi-threading with Async requests to do this but will have to test out what happens.
  2. Location Based AR(With and without GPS).

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