Lucid Dreams

1-2 min read

August 29, 2020

I’m out with a couple of my friends, and we are having our mundane chats. Everything’s normal until I realise that the two friends I’m talking to don’t know each other. It’s not unusual to go out with friends who do not know each other, but it’s unusual when they don’t live in the same city as you and you haven’t met one of them in years, and the place you are at, doesn’t exist in that city.

This is usually how I’m able to realise that it’s a dream, logically analysing things and concluding that things don’t add up. Although these instances are random, and I can’t conjure them on will. This is not new for me, it’s been happening to me since I was a child. When I was a child, these things usually ended with me closing my eyes and repeatedly saying “This is not real”. And to be honest, I still have to muster this “spell” from time to time. My earliest memory of such a dream is, “Me a 7-8-year-old child travelling alone on a slightly tilted train which has no sidewalls, just the roof and the floor. And on the ground is a long line lion waiting for me to drop out of the train, and I’m just hanging on”. I think you may call this dream a normal nightmare. But over time dreams like this have evolved into lucid dreams. And now, most of the time, once I know that it’s my dream, I’m can literally do anything. I even flew once, and now I know how it feels to fly. But unfortunately, for some reason, the dream doesn’t last very long after this realisation.

Recently, I had a different kind of Lucid dream, one which was different from all the previous ones. A feeble humming noise broke my slumber. It was dark, and I couldn’t see anything. Then suddenly, a dark dimly glowing greenish smoke started appearing at my door. And before I realised it, the smoke was all over the room. Although it was glowing, due to the dark tint, everything was still barely visible. And then, a tall human-like form covered in a cloak appeared at the door.

Clocked Figure

It slowly started moving towards me.

I tried to move, but I couldn’t.

I tried to scream, but I couldn’t.

I tried to close my eyes, but I couldn’t.

As the figure starting closing on me, everything started getting darker. And before I knew it, I was able to control my body again. I quickly stood up, turned on the lights, looked under my bed and then went into the kitchen. It was 4 in the morning. I messaged my night owl friend to make sure that I was back in reality. What was so unique about this incident was that I couldn’t differentiate between the “dream” and the reality. It was a terrifying experience.

Until next time…

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