Sweat it out!

1-2 min read

July 25, 2020

I have always wondered, what was that first mutation that initiated human dominance. There are many candidates, and it’s impossible to pin down that one mutation. But I think our ability to sweat was the “one”.

The ability to sweat gave us “Persistence”, “Relentlessness” & “Patience”. It allowed us to dominate big animals. Ability to sweat, along with teamwork, intelligence and our ability to walk on two feet gave us an immense advantage over other animals.

But no one sweats better than humans(except maybe horse). It’s a unique ability. The primary purpose of sweating is to cool the body down. This allows us to regulate the temperature of our body. As a result, humans can move very long distances without stopping.

Slow and steady wins the race!

This is why I think the story is about Tortoise and not about the Rabbit.

This year hasn’t been a good one if you like me, like running or activities which include running. But now that the nation is finally opening up again, I decided to go out for a run.

It has been almost a year since I had a decent run. So, saying I was out of touch is an understatement. But I set a goal of 5Km for me.

The place I was going to run was about 1.5Km from my home. I decided to walk to the place, as I thought it would be a good warmup. I started running, and even before the first Km was complete, I thought it was “over”. But I persisted, continued jogging at a slow pace. I decided that I may slow down, but I’ll not stop. So, I continued my run and eventually completed.

first run 2020

The time was horrible, to say the least. Also, if you look at the graph, you’ll see a sharp dip around the 37 min mark. I had to stop because I almost vomited, it came up to the throat, and I had to stop to prevent it from spewing out. But I continued the jog after this little break and completed it.

In the past, I was able to clock 7-8 Km in an hour football game. And considering that football involves a lot of sprints, my overall fitness has fallen off. But it’s nothing unexpected, to be honest. The plan is to improve this time in the coming days and maybe bring the time to 30mins.

I couldn’t go today because I’m suffering from cramps. Hopefully, I’ll be able to go tomorrow.

Patience and Persistence will always prevail.

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