The Reality

0-1 min read

June 17, 2017

As I go to bed late at night,

deep thoughts in my head ignite.

I question myself what is the reality?

As I go deeper into my thoughts, I explore my spirituality.

Perplexed! I roll over onto my chest,

Logic and science don’t really answer my quest.

And I know God and religion is just an excuse and obsession,

it’s a dead-end, it has no progression.

Being an optimist, I don’t give up just yet,

but a small voice in the head says why do you fret?

Dwelling further, I ask myself what if all this is a lie?

So should I quit everything and die?

That small voice comes ringing out again, this time bigger in size

and says don’t be a fool, act wise.

Then I wonder what could possibly be the meaning of life?

That voice, this time even bigger, comes out in strife

and says some things are best left unexplained.

Being a rationalist, I’m not easily tamed

but the thought of going even deeper into the dark corners of my brain,

made me accept that all of this is in vain

And as I succumbed to that voice, I see the daylight

that the voice may just be right,

maybe not in its logic but certainly in its intent

as a life lived happily is a life well spent.

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