Unite Kochi 2019

1-2 min read

November 14, 2019

First of all, let’s start with the city Kochi itself. The city was beautiful, the stretches of trees, the beaches, the islands and the weather. It was an amazing experience. On top of that, the food was amazing. The people were a mixed bag though, I met some cool people and some not so cool people. In short, people were like any other city.

It was a two-day event. I was one of the finalists of the hackathon. As a result, I was invited by Unity to present in the finals. I didn’t win the competition but because I did not put a great amount of effort into it, I probably didn’t deserve it. Here’s a link to the game.

The event organisation was pretty good. Some of the talks were pretty good. The community itself is still in the earlier stages but the enthusiasm in people was amazing. I saw a lot of young people with a lot of potential too. A lot of big companies in India were there too. So, overall it was all good.

One thing which changed for me was my perspective towards games. I always thought that games were science and engineering. But now I think that games are more art than science. I know that a lot of engineering goes into making games and games wouldn’t be possible without it. But the basic underlying concept for most of the games is conveying human emotions. If you take a look at all the winners of Game Awards, most of them are story-driven. There may be an argument that competitive games are not expressing any emotion but it is debatable at best. Wherever you may stand on that debate, there’s no denying that even competitive games are a work of art. If you think about it, Games are the culmination of all the different human art forms i.e. story, music and art along with a huge amount of engineering and science. The way games can express a feeling or emotion, no other form of art can on its own. Come to think about it my favorite game of all time, Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt is just that. If you haven’t played it, I strongly suggest that you do. I can go on and on about the Witcher 3 but you’ll find all the praise on the internet.

And this has completely changed my view towards making games. It’s all about conveying emotions.

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